What can we provide you with?
Board and Governance
The Board is the keystone for any organisation. An efficient and effective Board provides the strategic direction and that all important check and challenge to ensure the company is on the right path.
We can help you with:
Board effectiveness reviews and Board make up
Board member appraisals
Board Job Descriptions
Independent Governance Audits
Code of Good Governance Compliance
Policy and Procedure Creation
Audit and Risk Assessment
Experienced Non Executive Director for your Board
Strategic Planning
Developing a long term strategy for the organisation is essential, with overarching goals that can then provide a roadmap for the direction going forward. The Strategic Plan should be a live document that drives the sport forward.
Contact us for help on:
Strategic Plan development
Plan Timetable and Action
Coordinate and facilitate plan development sessions with Board and with staff
Stakeholder engagement - consultation process with all stakeholders
Plan preparation
Finance and Business Development
You have an active engaged board and a strategic plan providing the roadmap but without a strong financial basis you could struggle to achieve your aims.
We can help with an analysis of your finances and the processes of the business. Are there better more efficient ways of running your business. Avoid the “we do it this way because we always have done it this way”.
An outside view can give you a fresh look at how the business or sport is run and what opportunities there are for better efficiency and effectiveness.
Commercial Activity
A modern sport Governing Body is a business. Sports need to maximise their commercial opportunities to develop the sport.
We can help with:
Rights development for potential sponsorship
Telling the story
Brand awareness and development
Diversification of income streams
The two key factors for the development of a sport are increased participation and a high performance structure to maximise potential.
We can provide you with:
Objective analysis of your sport. its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
An external view of coach development strategies and operational plans
An external review of High Performance Systems to maximise opportunities for athletes to perform at a world class level.
Club development
Executive Training/Mentoring
We offer an Executive Training Mentor Programme
The value of having a mentor is immense. A person who can act as a listening post, ask insightful questions and allow you to reflect.
A mentor should be able to work with a mentee to bring out the best in that person, empowering them to set and achieve their goals in work and life.
Please get in touch if you feel that you could benefit from a Mentor or as an employer you want to bring the best out of your staff by linking them to a Mentor for Executive Coaching.
Other Services
We offer a range of other services too, including:
Viability analysis and bid preparation for International Events
Project and development opportunities management and coordination
Safeguarding Advice and protocol development
Anti-doping procedures and protocols
And more….send us your brief and we will happily look to see what we can offer and to quote